Syofni Erita was born in 1963 in the city of Bukittinggi to a woman whom she calls Amak Djusnelli and Apak Sabirin.
Education S-1 PGSD UNP. He began to become a teacher in 1983 at SDN Kubu Ateh Gulai Bancah, City of Bukittinggi and is now serving at SDN 04 Birugo, Kota.
The latest work is an autobiographical book ‘Minang Women Achieve Dreams’. He took advantage of the 2020 pandemic by joining the IRo-Society group. The book is the result of the guidance of Prof. Imam Robandi who was guided in 33 days. He is the Founder of IRo-Society, ITS Professor. Wait for the next work.
Bukittinggi, 02-06-2023
Terima kasih perkenalannya Amak
Sami-sami dr. Izzuki, sehat dan sukses selalu
Ma sya Allah. Luar biasa keren, Amakku.
Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh, terima kasih Teteh Aas sudah mampir ke rumah Amak, sehat dan sukses selalu.
Keren, sukses Amak
Sukses selalu Bu Umi, terima kasih
Keren, sukses Amak
Keren dong, santri IRo, terima kasih Bu Umi Putri Ibalia, sehat selalu Bu Umi
Hallo bu Syofni. Maaf baru sempat mampir. Mantap kali fotonya.
Terima kasih Bu Rukiyati, amak baru belajar posting. sehat selalu Bu Ruki